Prologue: Where It All Begins

Beginning at the beginning.  Seems like a reasonable enough place to start right?  Well, if you are reading this, which I doubt you are, then there are obviously a few implicit premises in me writing this.  The premise that is most relevant is that I have a reason for this blog.  The reality is actually pretty masturbatory: I am having a hard time finding people around me that I want and can spend time with, and am therefore reaching out the the net to commiserate.  Not with anyone else really, but just myself.  I've become completely disenchanted with the notion of people having good ideas or common sense, and am more or less using my little corner of the net to bitch.  So let's get right to is, shall we? WARNING: THIS BLOG WILL NOT BE EDITED TO APPEASE ANYONE.  SINCE THIS IS MY PERSONAL CREATION, IT WILL BE COMPLETELY TRUE TO ME AND THEREFORE WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY CONTAIN STATEMENTS YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH.

1. I've been wanting to write a book for some time now.  I have 36 pages of it done, but that was over 6 months ago that I last finished a chapter.  I have a desire to have the book done, but not a desire to sit in front of my television and work on it. I think this is a many-fold problem.  I'm very revitalized by the sun. But I sleep through most of my days and am up for a good many of the nights. This is obviously a schedule not conducive to a productive working environment.  Moreover, I always want to be doing something more passive than I am at any given moment.  I understand just how lazy that sounds, but it is the truth.  My life is one large negative-stress relief model.  That is really not how a person thrives.  Hopefully this blog will encourage me to write more and strive to be at least marginally more productive.

2. I am very disappointed in the way people think these days.  Or rather, I am disappointed that they so rarely do think these days.  My friends are traditionally more liberal, as that is the crowd that I am used to being with.  However, I am not liberal, as I used to be.  I am more of an objectivist than anything.  To summarize what that means briefly, it means that I know there is an objective reality, and I understand that the truth is that which corresponds with that reality.  I am alive, meaning I must place values where they belong in order to continue my existence.  That means needing to be selfish in order to thrive.  This is not selfishness as most people understand it, but rather, it is the dedication to the self above all other things.  This means doing what one must to be productive and to thrive.  I have not been doing that lately. I have not carried a healthy diet, I have spent too much money, and I do not produce as I would like to.  All in all, that's why I am disappointed in myself.  But I am looking forward to changing that.  It is healthier and cheaper to eat in, so that is what I am trying to do more.  And I'm writing, obviously, so that will make me see a greater value in myself.  
But, getting back to people.  Many people are under the influence of religion, of which all are a form of mysticism.  I do not understand how Christians and Jews and Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus do not see themselves as worshiping a form of mysticism, but they so rarely do.  There is ultimately no way to view these people as anything but ridiculous.  They do not understand certain aspects of the universe and then attribute those things they do not understand to mystical forces.  The Greeks did this in what is now considered to be a laughable manner.  Thunder would split the sky and people would attribute it to Zeus.  The sun rose and set and people attributed that to Apollo. That was not the case then, and it is no more the case now that a mystical God controls all of these natural phenomenon today.  That just isn't the case.  Science every day explains how our world works in ways we previously did not understand.  Ghosts are constantly being shown to be hoaxes or fakes.  The world exists, and some of the things in it are beyond the realm of what human beings can initially understand.  But that does not mean that it is supernatural.  In fact, the supernatural is a misnomer. There is no supernatural, only the natural.  If it appears in our universe then there is a cause and explanation for it.  Religions seek to answer the questions that previously were unanswerable by resorting to hocus pocus, but science grants enlightenment and knowledge.
Reason is the only way that a person can improve.  I am typing this on a wireless keyboard.  I am using reason to understand how the language I am using can be applied to provide meaning to what I am wanting to express.  Religion defies reason.  Reason created the airplane, the wheel, allowed us to understand fire and the natural world, and then use that information to cure diseases, communicate, travel to space, and even understand how the universe works down to the atomic level. Religion would dismiss the natural world as a spectacular creation by a magical being that nobody can see or understand but that nevertheless controls everything.  Nope, not true, the universe works in a very defined and understandable way.  I drop something, it hits the ground, not because of an unknowable entity mysteriously made it fly that direction, but because gravity acted upon it.  

3. I love Netflix.  I have watched all of Arrested Development and several movies and am currently loving Californication all thanks to the beauty of Netflix and the internet.  

4. The title of this entry, and I'm sure others like it, is Solarium for the Soul.  I created this title because it describes what it is that I am wanting this blog to be.  I am a very sun-oriented person, and my mood increases dramatically in the sunlight.  A solarium is a pretty radical place for me to be because it lifts my mood so much.  I am wanting a place that can do that for my soul.  Not a mystical soul, but a soul in the literary sense.  I don't believe in a mystical soul, but I do feel a yearning for something more to help me feel complete as a person.  

5. I'll come right out and say that I feel lonely sometimes.  I have been single for a long while now and definitely prefer it that way.  I don't like feeling as though I have someone to report to, I like only having to deal with my own problems, and I like the pure freedom you can only get when you are single.  But there is a trade off for these freedoms.  Physical intimacy drops way down, and I find myself lacking a person I feel as though I really connect with.  There is nobody I know that I can discuss anything with and feel both like a peer and a person while doing it.  I have a few friends who are smarter than I, and I have many that are idiots on at least a few levels.  This leaves me feeling as though I am in a vacuum.  I have no peer that I can be around all the time and feel like myself.

Okay, enough wining for now.  I'll be back with more later, but that ought to get this blog started.